Clutter and Hoarding - Baby Steps to Organizing

Baby steps aren't just for babies. Taking baby steps is the healthy fun way to get your life organized. Monster steps will stop you in your tracks.

Drawer Shelf

These are baby steps, so start with a small work area. Start with just one pile on the desktop, one corner of the countertop, on shelf on the bookshelf, or one small drawer.

Drawer Shelf

If your chosen area has lots of items, like a junk drawer might, you may need to divide up the job over several decluttering sessions. Keep your area small so you can finish it easily and you can tolerate coming back to do more. If your task is too large, you will wear yourself out.

Work in small chunks of time. Declutter for 15 minutes at a time, and then take a break. At first, just stick with one or two 15 minute sessions at a time. Don't overdo yourself. It may not seem like you are making much of a dent in the huge amount of clutter you have. But what good is a lot of immediate progress if the exhaustion sours your to the decluttering process altogether? Not long after you quit, your clutter will return and you will be back in the same place. The point of small sessions is to help keep the work reasonable. Please, be patient with yourself and keep enjoying your progress every day.

Progress is progress. Do baby steps every day to get a good habit started. Every baby step counts, and one baby step is better than zero baby steps. Although you may prefer to have your house all decluttered at once, it will only happen one step at a time. Your "should" thoughts may make you feel that it's only worth your effort if you can see big change all at once. However, your house took more than just one day or one week to get cluttered, so it will certainly take more than one day or one week to clean it up.

Hypnosis can help you release negative emotions and thoughts associated with your clutter. As those get released, you won't be sidetracked as long by your "should" thoughts. You will be able to embrace and enjoy the "baby step" approach.

Clutter and Hoarding - Baby Steps to Organizing
Drawer Shelf

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